Council is the governing body of the University and its Trustee Board.
The role, responsibilities and operation of Council are set out in the Statutes and Regulations.
Council Minutes
Minutes of Council meetings from the current and previous academic year.
Council Committees
Council is supported by a number of committees that include:
- Audit and Risk Committee - advises and assists Council in respect of the entire assurance and control environment of the University
- Council Student Appeals Committee - responsible for reviewing appeal requests from students who have been suspended from the University
- Finance Committee - monitors the financial health of the University on behalf of Council
- Governance and Nominations Committee - reviews and advises on the University's governance arrangements and external governance requirements
- People and Organisational Development Committee - assists Council in fulfilling its responsibility for being the employing authority for all University staff
- Remuneration Committee - determines the framework for the remuneration of the Vice-Chancellor, members of the Executive and other senior posts
- Senate - informs and provides assurance to Council regarding the University's academic standards, quality of education and research
- University Executive Committee - oversees the development and delivery of the University Strategy and monitors the University's performance against objectives.
University Committees
More information on the governance committees is published by the University Secretary's Office (internal only).
Council Effectiveness Review
Council conducts a review every few years in line with the guidance in the Code of Governance in order to enhance its own effectiveness and ensure Council has sufficient skills, knowledge and independence to enable Council to discharge its responsibilities. The most recent review was conducted in 2021 and the Report has been presented to Council. The Executive Summary is available at: CER-ExecutiveSummary2021 The Governance and Nominations Committee is overseeing implementation of the action plans in relation to the recommendations included in the Report.