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Consultation and Committees 

The University has a number of committees and groups who fulfil key functions in the management of health and safety. 

The Health and Safety Committee (HSC) forms the central mechanism for the University to meet its legal and management system requirements, and to consult with members of staff and other interested parties (including students) on matters which are material to their health and safety.  The HSC also allows for full and effective involvement, creating a culture of inclusivity where relationships between the University and its members are based on collaboration, trust and joint problem-solving. 

The role of the HSC is to: 

  • consult on the University’s Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) to assist in its continuing stability, adequacy and effectiveness.
  • review and consult on key performance indicators and other measures to demonstrate legal compliance and conformity with the OHSMS. 
  • Approve the terms of reference and membership. 

Safety Advisory Groups 

The University also operates cross-Departments, Institutions, Colleges and Services advisory groups, to support the effective management of specific risks: 

  • Biological Safety Advisory Group
  • Ionising Radiation Safety Advisory Group
  • Laser and Light Safety Advisory Group

Faculty, Division, Department, College and Service Health and Safety Committees 

In addition, to support the University's Health and Safety Committee, Departments, Colleges and Services operate local Health and Safety Groups.

Information, including opportunities for improvement, highlighted at Faculty or Divisional Health and Safety Groups feed into the Health and Safety Committee.