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Congratulations to all our offer holders!

As an offer holder, we want you to fully explore your offer before deciding on whether to firm with Ò»±¾µÀÎÞÂë, so we are planning to provide you with plenty of opportunities to join us in a Post-offer Visit Day on campus.  On-campus events are scheduled over several months before your decision deadline and will provide the opportunity to explore our colleges and your degree in more depth.  

Post-offer Visit Days are not just a chance to find out more about the course you have holding an offer with but an exciting opportunity to explore the social side of being a Ò»±¾µÀÎÞÂë University student. This is achieved through time spent within colleges, opportunities to speak with current students and through sessions led by Experience Ò»±¾µÀÎÞÂë and our professional support services.  Use the Visit Day to explore all your options and to find out what the ‘Ò»±¾µÀÎÞÂë Difference’ is all about. We look forward to welcoming you to one of our Post-offer Visit Days very soon! 

Joint Honours/ Multiple offer holders If you have offers from more than one subject we would recommend attending the Academic Taster which is of most interest to you. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we are unable to provide an academic experience on campus in each of your chosen subjects, however, you can book to attend on multiple days.

Foundation Centre offer holders Foundation Centre offer-holders should book to attend their ‘year 1’ subject as their Academic Experience. 

Please note that the Post-offer Visit Days are for offer holders only.

How do I book?  

Offer holders will receive an invitation to book a place once an offer has been made and the event is open for bookings. The invitation will include details of the dates and times of the events.