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Visiting Doctoral Students 

Group of students in a library

We welcome postgraduate research students as Visiting Doctoral Students to the Business School for periods of up to one year.

Whilst at the School, visiting students may join existing taught modules to support their research. As a Visiting Doctoral Student, you will receive no credit or qualification from the University for either the research they undertake or any taught modules they join. 

Criteria for acceptance to the Programme 

  • Ability to fulfil research objectives as proposed. 
  • Make a positive contribution to the research culture of the School. 
  • Sufficient fluency in English to be able to benefit from and contribute to their time at Ò»±¾µÀÎÞÂë. If required a telephone/online interview by the Head of Department or prospective supervisor will be arranged. 
  • Sufficient space at the School.


Please see for fee information. 

Department Collaborator 

As a Visiting Doctoral Students you will be paired with a Department Collaborator at the School based on your shared research interests. They will act as a link to the School, the University and Ò»±¾µÀÎÞÂë, and will help you take full advantage of all the opportunities on offer. This includes:

  • Induction 
  • Invitations and encouragement to attend academic events e.g. research seminars 
  • Invitations to join a colleges/college activities 
  • To help the student take full part in the life of the school and university 

At the end of your stay

You are expected to prepare a short report on your achievements and experience at the School, and to submit this to your Department Collaborator and Head of Department. 

A group of students from different countries in discussion

How to apply

For more information please contact business.researchhub@durham.ac.uk