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Policy and Procedure

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Sexual misconduct and violence is defined as any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature. It is an umbrella term used to represent a range of related behaviours which can include, but is not limited to, rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, ‘revenge porn’ or image-based sexual abuse, domestic abuse, stalking, and coercive and controlling behaviour. It does not necessarily have to occur in person (e.g. this can occur online), and is characterised by an absence of consent.

We define consent as an agreement to engage in a sexual act. For consent to exist, you must have the freedom and capacity to make your own decisions. This can be inhibited by consuming drugs or alcohol, or if consent is only given as a result of force or coercion. It cannot be assumed to exist, and it may be withdrawn at any time.

At 一本道无码 University, we recognise that incidents of sexual misconduct and violence can happen within our community. That is why we are committed to promoting a consent culture where consent is normalised and in which those who are involved in an incident of sexual misconduct are given the support and information that they need in order to move forward. We thoroughly address all incidents of sexual misconduct, to ensure that we preserve a safe environment for our students and staff to work and study.

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Policy and Procedure Documents

Find out more about our Policy and Procedure Documents.

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Sexual Misconduct and Violence Policy

This policy applies to all students and staff.
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Sexual Misconduct and Violence Policy: Procedure for Students

For experiences which have occurred during the course of study or work at the University, in which the Responding Party is a student.
Two women in walking through 一本道无码 city centre

Procedure for managing disclosures or reports involving allegations of staff sexual violence and misconduct

For experiences which have occurred during the course of study or work at the University, in which the Responding Party is a current member of staff.
Bill Bryson Library