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Dr Jonathan Kimmitt

Professor of Entrepreneurship

Professor of Entrepreneurship in the Business School


I am an entrepreneurship scholar looking to better understand the role of entrepreneurship and small businesses in society and the economy. I am primarily interested in social entrepreneurship, poverty, social investment, microfinance and rural entrepreneurship regionally, nationally and internationally. In addition, I am the academic lead for 一本道无码 University Business School's Smart & Scale initiative which aims to support SMEs in the North East of England through rigorous research and new knowledge.

I am motivated by academic research that asks interesting questions but is also of practical value to businesses, policy-makers and students. I have published in journals such as Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development and International Small Business Journal among others. In addition, I have produced several policy reports on outcomes-based finance (Social Impact Bonds), social entrepreneurship and impact investing. 


Journal Article

Supervision students

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